Monday, August 28, 2006

Tim and Faith 2

Tim and Faith
Soul 2 Soul

Wow...he looks good!!!!

and boy did he sound GREAT!!!

Such a cute couple!!

Tim and Faith 1

Like We Never Loved At All!!!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

SV sunsets and clouds are the best around!!!


Sunday, August 13, 2006


Can we say Captain Jack Sparrow!!!!

Carl and Luke

Me, KK, and Matt

Me and a wench...Erika

Me with my favorite captain.....Carl

Friday, August 11, 2006

Get Over that Pole!!!!

Crazy Lightning!!!

Go Sammy, Go Sammy

Look at that great smile!!!

Whoa!! Crazy Beast on the Loose!!!!

There's Ashley!!!

Ashley is always willing to help a sista out!! I'm just not sure what she is helping with.
You got it Heather!!!!

Me and Lindsey before our goodbye's

Gangsta Beasts!!!! It only took 3 try's to get it right :)

Friday, August 04, 2006

I created a Slide Show! Check it out!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

SV crew youthworks 2006

There are my girls...getting down with their bad selves. :)

Here, my SV girls are working hard.
(Britt, Erin, Victoria)

Van ride to Ft. Defiance. (Britt and Victoria)

A little soccer time before everybody else got there.
(Carly, Cameron, Brett, and Eric)

More youthworks 2006!!

We are professionals...don't try this at home.
(Ashley Lou, Me, and Sammy Sue)

Me and Heather....Man she has a grip. :)

Me and Cristina. (Take a look at the sky...beautiful!)

Me and Carly (One kick butt site director!).

Ah Sammy Sammy Sammy Sue....I miss you girl!